Alhamdulillah, setelah tiga hari bolak balik ke RS dr Sutomo akhirnya surat yang diperlukan pun jadi. So, bagi teman-teman yang mau cari surat kesehatan, surat bebas TBC dan surat bebas narkoba mungkin bisa mengikuti alur berikut ini.
Hari pertama, datang ke gedung yang melayani medical checkup di RS dr sutomo, seingat saya gedungnya berwarna hijau dan putih. Kalau tidak tahu tanya ke satpamnya. Tempat yang melayani medical checkup untuk beasiswa ini ada di lt2 gedung tersebut bagian pojok timur utara. Di situ nanti teman-teman akan ditanyai keperluannya, bilang untuk LPDP LN gitu mereka akan tau. Disitu saya harus mbayar 256.000 karena waktu itu saya minta legalisir. Dari ruang tersebut saya diperiksa denyut jantung dan tekanan darah, dirontsen, habis itu diberi surat pengantar untuk ke poli paru.
Oh ya, poli paru letaknya digedung sebelahnya yang warnanya lebih hijau. Sebelum ke poli paru, kita harus ngambil antrian dan daftar. Jangan lupa menunjukkan kuitansi yang tadi dibayarkan, sehinggga kita hanya butuh mbayar 17.500 untuk registrassi saja. Kalau sudah regustrasi langsung menuju ke poli paru, letaknya di lt 2 sebelah barat lift. Setelah sampai dipoli paru, surat pengantar dan bukti registrasi tadi ditumpuk. Kita menunggu untuk dipanggil. DI situ saya harus antri sekitar 2-3 jam. Jangan lupa pake masker demi menjaga kesehatan. Setelah dipanggil nanti dokter akan tanya keperluan kita dan kita dikasih surat pengantar untuk ke lab mikrobiologi ngambil sampel dahak. Tempatnya ada di gedung yang pertama tadi satu gedung dengan tempat medcheck tapi di lt 1. langsung aja ngambil antrian pengambilan sampel microbiologi, antrinya ga lama. Dari situ nanti kita dikasih dua tabung untuk tes dahak. Satu tabung untuk dahak setelah bangun tidur dan satu tabung untuk setelah makan. Kegiatan hari pertama selesai.
Hari kedua, kembali ke tempat pengambilan sampel untuk ngantarkan dahak. Di sana saya harus bayar 50.000 untuk biaya labnya. Hasil labnya bisa diambil besoknya. Karena hari kedua ini ndak perlu ke poli paru, saya lanjutkan dengan tes bebas narkoba. tempatnya di gedung paling belakang dekat forensik. DI sini saya cukup nunjukkan kuitansi yang dibayarkan pada hari pertama, kalau tidak ditunjukkan kita akan dimintai uang 200.000. Tes ini hanya butuh waktu sekitar 20 menit. Habis itu saya mampir ke tempat medcheck untuk ngambil hasil foto rontsen saya.
Hari ketiga, saya ngambil hasil tes dahak saya. Tempatnya satu gedung dengan tempat naruh dahaknya. Setelah dapat hasil tesnya saya fotokopi 2x, disertaai fotokopy ktp dan hasil rontsen saya ketempat poli paru. dimuali dengan registrasi dan mbayar 17.500 lagi. Di poli paru ini nunggunya lama 2-3 jam lagi. Di sana nanti hasil tes dahak dan rontsen akan di baca dan diberi surat pengantar apakah TBC atau tidak. Keluar dari poli paru saya kembali ke tempat medcheck dengan membawa surat pengantar dari poli paru. Di medcheck kita akan dibuatkan surat keterangan sehat dan bebas TBC nya. Akhirnya selesai. Jadi total uang yang sy keluarkan adalah 350.000
Semoga bermanfaat bagi teman-teman pejuang LPDP
Tuesday, 7 August 2018
Monday, 16 July 2018
Sekolah ala Aira
Hari ini adalah hari pertama bagi anak-anak sekolah untuk kembali ke sekolah karena libur panjang. Pagi-pagi Aira (umur 21 bulan) sudah bawa tas, dan minta salim ke uminya. Lalu terjadilah percakapan antara Aira (A) dan Umi (U)
U: adik Aira mau berangkat sekolah
A: ya
U: dimana?
A: Mama (Mama adalah panggilan Aira buat pengasuhnya. Setiap pagi dia selalu diantarkan ke pengasuhnya sebelum Umi berangkat kerja)
U: Gurunya siapa?
A: Awang (Anak pengasuhnya)
U: Naik apa?
A: Naik-naik kepuncak gunung, tinggi tinggi sekali (Sambil nyanyi)
U: ngakak
Karena uminya lagi ngamati perkembangan anak, maka ditulis disini. Ada beberapa hal yang umi dapatkan
1. Ibaratnya chat bot, mungkin A diatas mesinnya masih sangat sederhana, kamus yang ada didatanya masih sedikit, dia menjawab dengan kebiasaan sehari-hari, trus dengan keyword kata tertentu, seperti naik, karena naik yang dia kenal itu adalah lagi naik-naik ke puncak gunung
U: adik Aira mau berangkat sekolah
A: ya
U: dimana?
A: Mama (Mama adalah panggilan Aira buat pengasuhnya. Setiap pagi dia selalu diantarkan ke pengasuhnya sebelum Umi berangkat kerja)
U: Gurunya siapa?
A: Awang (Anak pengasuhnya)
U: Naik apa?
A: Naik-naik kepuncak gunung, tinggi tinggi sekali (Sambil nyanyi)
U: ngakak
Karena uminya lagi ngamati perkembangan anak, maka ditulis disini. Ada beberapa hal yang umi dapatkan
1. Ibaratnya chat bot, mungkin A diatas mesinnya masih sangat sederhana, kamus yang ada didatanya masih sedikit, dia menjawab dengan kebiasaan sehari-hari, trus dengan keyword kata tertentu, seperti naik, karena naik yang dia kenal itu adalah lagi naik-naik ke puncak gunung
Sunday, 8 July 2018
Finding a University to study
After receiving my IELTS certificate, I tried to find a university. I have some criterias to choose a place to study. First, I want to study in english country. I had finished my master in Taiwan which was not an english country and now I want to study in an english country because I want to improve my English skill. I realized, If I have good english skill, it will easy for me to write academic publication and to learn since most of the literature are in English. Also, since I have a doughter, later after I finished my study, my doughter will not get a difficulties to return to Indonesia. Second, I want to study in a country which offer worker visa for my husband. In this case, I find two countries: Australia and New Zeland. In this case, first I try to find a University in Australia. I contacted my friend who studied there. Alhamdulillah, the friends responded fast. He sent me the web of professor in his university and I tried to find the research of the professor. Finally, I found the professor who is muslim.
Later, I sent him an email which consisit of my CV, research proposal, and other document but after two weeks waiting he didn't reply my email. Then I told my friend. Again, he helped me by facing the professor directly and told the professor about my email. The professor said that he did not read my email, then he asked my CV. I sent the CV to my friend and then he handed in the Cv to the provessor. And finally, the professor agree to be my supervisor. He introduced me to the admission office in the university.
Thus, the admission office sent a document to be filled. Since some of the form are difficult for me, I ask a help from IDP. Finally, on 22 June I have received the LoA from the UWA. The next is my journey to get a scholarship.
Later, I sent him an email which consisit of my CV, research proposal, and other document but after two weeks waiting he didn't reply my email. Then I told my friend. Again, he helped me by facing the professor directly and told the professor about my email. The professor said that he did not read my email, then he asked my CV. I sent the CV to my friend and then he handed in the Cv to the provessor. And finally, the professor agree to be my supervisor. He introduced me to the admission office in the university.
Thus, the admission office sent a document to be filled. Since some of the form are difficult for me, I ask a help from IDP. Finally, on 22 June I have received the LoA from the UWA. The next is my journey to get a scholarship.
Tuesday, 15 May 2018
Alhamdulillah, My IELTS Result is satisfying
This is the late post. In the last one month I am so busy to complete my scholarship and my PhD application that I did not have time to write. After that I was busy to write my publication. But late is better than never. Therefore, I am writing this article.
I have taken the IELTS test on March, 10, 2018. So, the result must be appear on March 23 and I can see the result on-line. However, when I opened the web site in and I filled my data, the result did not come yet. In my mind "Oh my be, the result has not come". Then in every two hours, I tried to see the result but the same thing always happen. Until in saturday morning, I realized that I might had filled the wrong data. I realized that my family name must be one word, not two words. Thus, I put my last name as my family name, and the rest of my name as my surename. And jreng....jreng... my IELTS result was coming. And It is very satisfying. My overal band was 7, and my minimum score for each band was 6. So that it is enough to apply a place to continue my study in overseas. I am so happy with my result, it was over my expectation since I realize that my English was not so good. And thanks to Allah for this result.
Here, I want to share about my activity before taking the IELTS test. When I started to learn english again, my English position was in SP 8 (5.5-6 ielts score). Then I do these thinks:
1. I had taken general English for SP 8 for two months
2. Every day, I try to do the IELTS practice for one package test. I used Cambridge IELTS book from 3-10. So I could finish one book in for days.
4. I read the book 'grammar for ielts'. It also very useful.
5. When doing the speaking, I always record my speaking and hear it after the test. So I know my weakness.
6. Every day, during my activity to work I always listening to bbc radio
7. I ask my parents , my husband, my mother and low, and other people tha I could not mention to pray for me
8. The last is doa.
Next I want to tell about my activity to find a scholarship and school. I hope this story is usefull for those who want to improve their IELTS score. Thank you
I have taken the IELTS test on March, 10, 2018. So, the result must be appear on March 23 and I can see the result on-line. However, when I opened the web site in and I filled my data, the result did not come yet. In my mind "Oh my be, the result has not come". Then in every two hours, I tried to see the result but the same thing always happen. Until in saturday morning, I realized that I might had filled the wrong data. I realized that my family name must be one word, not two words. Thus, I put my last name as my family name, and the rest of my name as my surename. And jreng....jreng... my IELTS result was coming. And It is very satisfying. My overal band was 7, and my minimum score for each band was 6. So that it is enough to apply a place to continue my study in overseas. I am so happy with my result, it was over my expectation since I realize that my English was not so good. And thanks to Allah for this result.
1. I had taken general English for SP 8 for two months
2. Every day, I try to do the IELTS practice for one package test. I used Cambridge IELTS book from 3-10. So I could finish one book in for days.
4. I read the book 'grammar for ielts'. It also very useful.
5. When doing the speaking, I always record my speaking and hear it after the test. So I know my weakness.
6. Every day, during my activity to work I always listening to bbc radio
7. I ask my parents , my husband, my mother and low, and other people tha I could not mention to pray for me
8. The last is doa.
Next I want to tell about my activity to find a scholarship and school. I hope this story is usefull for those who want to improve their IELTS score. Thank you
Monday, 19 March 2018
Roselea Virus
Last Thursday, Aira got fever. Her temperature was over 38 celcius. At firs, I was not too worry, since it was not too high. I though it was triggered by her teeth that would appear. Nevertheless, in the next day, Friday, her temperature was higher. It was around 39 celcius. I gave her paracetamol in order to made her temperature normal. However, paracetamol could not work. Four hours after she consumed the drug, her temperature high again until 39 but I could not give her paracetamol again, since the drug could be given at most after 6 hours.
Then, at night I accompanied her to visit a doctor, dr. Reza Rahnu, Sp.A. After examined her, the doctor said "if on Sunday the fever would not recover, she must took complete blood test". And during this three days I have to observed her. If her temperature was high and she was not allowed to consume drug, just cover her with a piece of textile which had been washed with mineral water until her temperature aound 37. Therefore, during the fever, I did the doctor's suggestion.
At saturday night, her temperature was higher than before. It reached 40 point something. I worried with her condition. I had prepared everything incase she must be hospitalized. I was going to go to the hospital if after comsuming the drug, at 10 p.m., her temperature would not reducing. Fortunaly, at 3 a.m. her temperature decreased into 38 and in the morning it was normal.
I consulted her condition with my friends, and she suggesed that I did not need to bring aira to take the blood test. This morning, her temperature was normal, however, I found red skin eruption in her body. WHen i consulted it to my friends, she said that it was roselea virus and I did not need to worry about it. Now, the skin eruption is there, I hope my little daughter will get better soon. Aamiin
Then, at night I accompanied her to visit a doctor, dr. Reza Rahnu, Sp.A. After examined her, the doctor said "if on Sunday the fever would not recover, she must took complete blood test". And during this three days I have to observed her. If her temperature was high and she was not allowed to consume drug, just cover her with a piece of textile which had been washed with mineral water until her temperature aound 37. Therefore, during the fever, I did the doctor's suggestion.
At saturday night, her temperature was higher than before. It reached 40 point something. I worried with her condition. I had prepared everything incase she must be hospitalized. I was going to go to the hospital if after comsuming the drug, at 10 p.m., her temperature would not reducing. Fortunaly, at 3 a.m. her temperature decreased into 38 and in the morning it was normal.
I consulted her condition with my friends, and she suggesed that I did not need to bring aira to take the blood test. This morning, her temperature was normal, however, I found red skin eruption in her body. WHen i consulted it to my friends, she said that it was roselea virus and I did not need to worry about it. Now, the skin eruption is there, I hope my little daughter will get better soon. Aamiin
Monday, 12 March 2018
Taking the IELTS test
Last Saturday I took the IELTS test. I had studied hard before. Eventhough I did not join the IELTS orientation course, almost everyday when I did not have class I did IELTS practice from cambrige book. I had finished cambridge IELTS practice 1-10. In average my score was 6.5 in the beginning and 7 in the second part. However, I did not know my score for speaking and wriring since I could not mark the result by myself. Beside studied the cambridgeIELTS practice, I studied the ELTS for grammar that I though important.
In the end, the ielts test day came. I had tried hard to prepare it. The last change that i can do was praying. For the listening test, i though i could follow the listening. Only three questions which I did not sure the answer. The same condition also occured in the reading test. In writing test, as I remember i could write for 150 in the first task and 250 in the second task. However I did not have time to check the vocab also I did not have time to write the summary of the task 2. For the speaking, the one that I tried to remember the grammar and some ideas. Nevertheless, when the speaking come, I did not have time to think. I feel that i speak spontaneusly. Moreover, in the section two of speaking the examiner stopped me while i was speaking. I did not know how the result will be.
That was the review of my ielts test, we will see the result next two weeks. While waiting for the result, I will write the research proposal and finishing my project.
In the end, the ielts test day came. I had tried hard to prepare it. The last change that i can do was praying. For the listening test, i though i could follow the listening. Only three questions which I did not sure the answer. The same condition also occured in the reading test. In writing test, as I remember i could write for 150 in the first task and 250 in the second task. However I did not have time to check the vocab also I did not have time to write the summary of the task 2. For the speaking, the one that I tried to remember the grammar and some ideas. Nevertheless, when the speaking come, I did not have time to think. I feel that i speak spontaneusly. Moreover, in the section two of speaking the examiner stopped me while i was speaking. I did not know how the result will be.
That was the review of my ielts test, we will see the result next two weeks. While waiting for the result, I will write the research proposal and finishing my project.
Tuesday, 2 January 2018
Today I did the placement test in one of famous english course place in Surabaya. Why? because I want to take english course before taking the IELTS test. The score is my english level in SP 8 (detail: TOP:7, writing: 7, and speaking 8).
Knowing the score, I continue to register for english course because I want to get score at least 6.5, and english level in SP 8 means the ielts score around 5.5 - 6. Here, I have to choose either IELTS preparation which is cost 3.950.000 or General English which is cost 3.250.000.
After discussing with friends, I get some conclusion: If you want to improve your english skills you need to take general english course. While if your English is good, and you need to get used to with IELTS test you need to take IELTS preparation. In my situation, my English skills in ordinary and I need to improve my english skills therefore I decided to take general english course. For the IELTS test, I will try to learn it by my self. Only do'a and trying that I con do. And Hoping this coming IELTS test I will get a good score. So this story will be continue.
Notes: thank you very much for my lovely husband who always support me. Not only for the material but also everything. And also thank you very much for my little doughter who always make me lough.
Knowing the score, I continue to register for english course because I want to get score at least 6.5, and english level in SP 8 means the ielts score around 5.5 - 6. Here, I have to choose either IELTS preparation which is cost 3.950.000 or General English which is cost 3.250.000.
After discussing with friends, I get some conclusion: If you want to improve your english skills you need to take general english course. While if your English is good, and you need to get used to with IELTS test you need to take IELTS preparation. In my situation, my English skills in ordinary and I need to improve my english skills therefore I decided to take general english course. For the IELTS test, I will try to learn it by my self. Only do'a and trying that I con do. And Hoping this coming IELTS test I will get a good score. So this story will be continue.
Notes: thank you very much for my lovely husband who always support me. Not only for the material but also everything. And also thank you very much for my little doughter who always make me lough.
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